Direct mail examples
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Direct mail examples

Looking for inspiring or fun direct mailing examples? On the right track! When we talk about direct mailing, there are different ways to reach your (potential) customers. However, nowadays (almost) everyone is overloaded with emails and advertising by the bus, which can sometimes be difficult to stand out. The goal of your direct mailing is always to create a call-to-action. We are happy to tell you how you can achieve this.

Direct mailing examples with surprise effect

There are different types of direct mailing examples that can make you stand out to your customer. Locomail specializes in direct mails to strengthen your message. Every direct mail we offer contains a unique and compelling way to get your message across. For example, because of the striking shape or because it has a surprise effect, such as ours confetti card jumping cube. Where both the cube and the confetti jump around when opening the envelope. You can use this form of direct mailing as a festive invitation to an event or as an announcement of a new service or product.

Examples of successful cases direct mail

O2 Communications sends an oil ball of appreciation!
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O2 Communications sends an oil ball of appreciation!

O2 Communications sends an oil ball of appreciation! In the bustling city of Utrecht, O2 Communications chose a remarkable conclusion to...
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From concept to reality: XYZ Creative Agency and LocoMail
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From concept to reality: XYZ Creative Agency and LocoMail

From concept to reality: XYZ Creative Agency and LocoMail In 2023, the companies Maasdam and Knauf decided to collaborate on a...
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Successful cooperation between LocoMail and Arkel1000 Foundation
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Successful cooperation between LocoMail and Arkel1000 Foundation

Successful cooperation between LocoMail and the Arkel1000 Foundation In 2023, the charming village of Arkel celebrated its impressive 1040th anniversary. To mark this...
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A unique cycling adventure with Deceuninck and LocoMail.
Blog Last added Music card

A unique cycling adventure with Deceuninck and LocoMail.

A unique cycling adventure with Deceuninck and LocoMail. In the world of frame and door solutions, Deceuninck has established itself as a...
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customer loyalty
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customer loyalty

Increase customer loyalty with direct mailing: examples from LocoMail At a time when competition between companies is fiercer than ever,...
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Customer loyalty
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Customer loyalty

Customer retention with direct mailing One of the main challenges for any business is customer retention. A good...
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Realize retention with Direct Mailing
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Realize retention with Direct Mailing

Realize retention with direct mailing In a world where we are inundated with digital communication every day, direct mailing can be a...
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Improve business communication with LocoMail
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Improve business communication with LocoMail

Improving business communication with LocoMail Sending direct mail is an effective way to improve business communication. Straight away...
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Pop up cube examples

Tec, GRITT and Logi-technic send a festive Pop-up jumping cube
Case Cases Last added Out of the Box

Tec, GRITT and Logi-technic send a festive Pop-up jumping cube

Our Pop-up jumping cube is perfect for when you want to celebrate something within your company. The confetti jumping up gives this...
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Jobmatch uses pop-up jumping cube to inform business customers
Blog Case Cases Last added Out of the Box

Jobmatch uses pop-up jumping cube to inform business customers

Last month, temporary employment and secondment organization Jobmatch used our bestseller, the pop-up jumping cube, to inform their customers. In this...
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School community uses special direct mail as a replacement for open days
Blog Case Cases Hexagon Last added Out of the Box

School community uses special direct mail as a replacement for open days

Unfortunately, it is not possible to organize an open day for future high school students at this time. Of the...
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Pop-up cube for the Ministry of Justice & Security
Case Cases Last added Out of the Box popup

Pop-up cube for the Ministry of Justice & Security

DCR exists 10 years. The Ministry of Justice & Security is celebrating this with the Out of The Box Pop-up Cube...
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Out of The Box bouncy cube direct mail for T - Mobile
Case Cases Last added Out of the Box

Out of The Box Spring Cube direct mail for T – Mobile

T-Mobile has used the Out of The Box jumping cube as direct mail. T-Mobile has chosen to use the jumping cube directly...
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Spring cube as direct mail for Raedelijn
Case Cases Last added Out of the Box Pop-up Card

Spring cube as direct mail for Raedelijn

Raedelijn has used the Out of The Box spring cube as direct mail. Raedelijn has chosen to use the spring...
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Transfer product information with the direct mail Out of the Box
Case Cases Last added Out of the Box

Transfer product information with the direct mail Out of the Box

Showcase information about products you offer. How do you do that in an original way? FAAC did...
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Grab attention with your own direct mail campaign
Case Cases Last added Out of the Box

Grab attention with your own direct mail campaign

Would you like to run a direct mail campaign that generates a response? With the Mini Out of the Box you can…
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Turning Card examples

A folding card in its own unique shape!
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

A folding card in its own unique shape!

The unique Turning Card is available in every conceivable form, such as this Klapkaart for Douwe Egberts. A folding card is a...
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Klapkaart mailing, initiated by Self.
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

Klapkaart mailing, initiated by Self.

A Klapkaart mailing is a mailing where maximum space is created for communicative purposes on a small surface. The Fold Card...
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Relocation card company via Turning Card
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

Relocation card company via Turning Card

Is your company moving soon and do you need a Relocation card company? Then read on. An example of such...
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Specially developed Round Turning Card Rabobank
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

Specially developed Round Turning Card Rabobank

Continuously attracting the attention of your recipient, how do you ensure this? Rabobank did it with the Ronde Turning Card. Why...
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Are you looking for attention for the merger of your company?
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

Are you looking for attention for the merger of your company?

A special moment: your company is going to merge with another company and it is therefore important that all customers...
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Communicating your message in times of crisis
Alternative Stock Exchange Participation Case Cases Change card Last added Out of the Box Slider Cards Turning Card

Communicating your message in times of crisis

In times of crisis it is still important that you can communicate your message with your business contacts....
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The Turntable Direct Mail for Boom + Verweij
Case Cases Last added Turning Card

The Turntable Direct Mail for Boom + Verweij

We are already convinced that the Turning Card is the perfect Turning Card direct mail, but today we will...
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Successful mailing UF/e Turning Card
Case Cases Last added Turning Card Uncategorized

Successful mailing UF/e Turning Card

A special collaboration between Eindhoven University and LocoMail. A personalized mailing has been set up for the Eindhoven University Fund with the aim of...
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Change Card examples

Product presentation on Senzora's ChangeCard
Case Cases Change card Last added

Product presentation on Senzora's ChangeCard

Senzora uses the ChangeCard as intended. With a clear interaction of the slats, the message cannot be...
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A sliding mailing for the opening reception of Strandzuid
Case Cases Change card Last added

A sliding mailing for the opening reception of Strandzuid

On the outside of this self-mailer is an unmissable message: "OPEN". And this doesn't just refer to the...
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Slat card invitation open house
Case Cases Change card Last added

Slat card invitation open house

DS80 is a fast-growing importer and wholesaler of packaging materials and logistics solutions. They owe their rapid growth, among other things, to...
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Swap card as an invitation to Sparta
Case Cases Change card Last added

Swap card as an invitation to Sparta

Sparta wants to give its dealers a glimpse into the world of tomorrow through an innovative and interactive event....
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ChangeCard original direct marketing message from Snoeks Automotive
Case Cases Change card Last added

ChangeCard original direct marketing message from Snoeks Automotive

Snoeks Automotive has ordered an original direct marketing message from us, on the ChangeCard as a product. They have chosen...
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Case Cases Change card Last added

ChangeCard as an end-of-year mailing from RiskQuest

RiskQuest contributed to risk management last year. The year 2015 is drawing to a close, and RiskQuest is looking…
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ChangeCard perfect for introducing new Bostik packaging
Case Cases Change card Last added Self mailer

ChangeCard perfect for introducing new Bostik packaging

Over the past year, Bostik has been busy introducing a new visual identity and re-establishing…
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Slat card used as a personal invitation
Cases Change card Last added

Slat card used as a personal invitation

Bank ten Cate & Cie used our Lamellenkaart as a personal invitation. Relations and customers were invited to a spring meeting...
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With these direct mailing examples you have enough space for your communicative message.

Do you want to use a form of direct mailing in which you can put a lot of information about your company or new product or service? Then we also have various direct mailing examples for that. With our best-selling product 'Out of the Box' do you have enough space for your communication message. A nice extra is that the Pop up Cube can be printed in full color in mega format. So which house style does your company have? With us it is possible.

To stand out in the mail, you also have the option of printing the envelope in full color in the same style as you design the direct mailing examples.

Another direct mailing example where you can put a lot of information is the Turn card. With this card, the recipient can keep folding the card, constantly being surprised with a new message. With four pages, you have enough space to place text and images.

Do you have questions about our direct mailing examples or would you like more information? Please rest assured Contact with us. Our experts are happy to answer your questions.

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