Raedelijn has the Out of The Box spring cube used as direct mail. Raedelijn has chosen to use the spring cube direct mail to convey information about who they are to the recipient. They also tell us what they do and what they stand for. The Spring cube direct mail can of course also be used for other (communication) purposes. An example of this is the introduction of new products.

On the outside you will see the Raedelijn logo with the text: 'Working together on the healthiest region in the Netherlands'. When you open the map, a cube pops out. on that cube it is clearly stated who they are, what they do and what they strive for as a company. Raedelijn has ensured that both aspects of direct mail overlap. Both the map and the cube are produced in the corporate style of the company. This ensures that it comes across professionally and clearly to the recipient.
The card of this Spring cube direct mail gives companies the opportunity to convey information to the recipient with a fun and surprising effect. The card is printed on both sides with the logo on the outside with a quote from the company and the content consists of a cube with added information.
Have you become interested in this special way of mailing? Then take a moment Contact contact us or view the full range Pop-up Cards!