Budget Cards

Looking for an inexpensive, yet eye-catching mailing in your own design? Then discover our unique budget cards. Among other things, the format of the cards and technical cleverness allow production costs to be reduced. This makes the price cheaper than other forms of direct mailings. The weight of the cards has also been considered, allowing them to be sent with low postage costs. Choose from our selection of budget cards including the 5-card, the Pop-up A6 card and the one-piece Pop-up card.

Each card is designed to leave a lasting impression, with innovative features and surprise effects that bring your message to life. Make an impression today with our budget cards and take your direct mailings to the next level! Request a sample and/or quote to see what we can do for you!

Direct Mailing Sample Box
Locomail Mailing Quotation

5 card

Case Direct Mailing 5Card Self Mailer

A simple, unique but also an inexpensive self-mailer. For a low price, you get a direct mailing that can be customised in 10 areas!

Pop-up card A6

Case Direct Mailing 2D Pop Up Card

The size of the Pop-up A6 card allows many cards to be taken out of one sheet of paper. As a result, the price is a lot lower than other direct mailings. With a pop-up in any shape, this mailer will still be eye-catching and successful!

One-piece pop-up card

Case Direct Mailing End of Year Mailing Christmas Pop Up Card

This double card with pop-up as a special effect in your own shape, is made from one piece. This makes this Pop-up card an economical form of direct mailing.