Home » Direct mail examples » Direct Mail examples: Pop-up card

Examples Pop-up cards

The Pop-up card looks like a simple card when folded, but it is anything but simple. When you open this card, a three-dimensional pop-up unfolds with your message. The pop-up is incorporated on the card itself, where you have enough space to provide all the necessary information. LocoMail offers a standard shape, but it is possible to incorporate your own desired shape into the card.

Below you will find successful customer cases of companies that have used the Pop-up card as a DM product.

Anthogyr uses detailed 2D Pop-up Card as direct mailing
Blog Case Cases Last added Pop-up Card

Anthogyr uses detailed 2D Pop-up Card as direct mailing

Anthogyr, a company that produces dental implants, sent our 2D Pop-up card to inform customers about their Simeda Steg System....
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New Twist Pop-up Card for Remeha
Case Cases Last added popup Pop-up Card

New Twist Pop-up Card for Remeha

LocoMail is always developing new direct mail products. Our latest addition is the Twist pop-up card,...
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De Ruiter uses Pop-up Card for 18th anniversary
Blog Case Cases Last added Pop-up Card

De Ruiter uses Pop-up Card for 18th anniversary

De Ruiter, a company that develops and supplies innovative vegetable seeds, wanted to celebrate the 18th anniversary of their Admiro tomato...
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Spring cube as direct mail for Raedelijn
Case Cases Last added Out of the Box Pop-up Card

Spring cube as direct mail for Raedelijn

Raedelijn has used the Out of The Box spring cube as direct mail. Raedelijn has chosen to use the spring...
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