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Canned direct mail examples

The BliQje is a unique DM. Due to the unique shipping packaging, it is guaranteed to stand out among the regular mail items. On this page you will find an overview of original direct mail examples from companies that have used this unique shipping packaging as a mailing.

You can send an original direct mailing with the BliQje!
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You can send an original direct mailing with the BliQje!

Do you want to send an original direct mailing? And are you looking for a direct mailing that can be used for various purposes...
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BliQje Direct Mail Announcement Event NTF
Alternative Stock Exchange Participation BliQje Case Cases custom made Last added

BliQje Direct Mail Announcement Event NTF

With the distinctive direct mail BliQje, NTF announced that it will once again be present at Gastvrij Rotterdam, the trade fair for ambitious hospitality...
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Distinctive direct mail invitation in tin
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Distinctive direct mail invitation in tin

With this distinctive direct mail, Dümmen Orange invites relations to the Kalanchoe challenge. To get the attention of the...
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Canned invitation for Building Holland event
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Canned invitation for Building Holland event

Building Holland is an event aimed at the construction and real estate sector that aims to make the sector take...
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