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Examples of eye-catching mailing: MoveCard

On this page you can read more about how other companies have used the MoveCard to achieve their goals. The MoveCard is characterized by the unique surprise effect: if you pull the side, the eye-catching mailing is automatically paged through. The MoveCards have 9 pages that can be printed in full colour. This includes the front and back of the card.

Announcement network app for PSV
Case Cases Last added MoveCard

Announcement network app for PSV

Especially for the announcement of a network app from PSV, we have been commissioned by LocoMail to make...
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Corporate mailing with Movecard for EyeOn
Case Cases Last added MoveCard

Corporate mailing with Movecard for EyeOn

The Movecard, as a corporate mailing, has a special effect. When you slide the tab out, the pages turn automatically. This...
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MoveCard: Strong DM with a strong story
Case Cases Last added MoveCard

MoveCard: Strong DM with a strong story

Commissioned by TomaCom, a strategic consultancy, we made a nice direct mail for the Red Cross in Belgium....
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Case Cases Last added MoveCard

Original self-mailer for Ahoy; the Move Card

By using the MoveCard, Ahoy lets you know what kind of events can take place in the...
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