Case Direct Mailing Hexagon Pen Holder CNB

The Coöperatieve Nederlandse Bloembollencentrale (CNB) has used LocoMail's Hexagon pen holders to draw attention to an open vacancy. The CNB is a company that, among other things, mediates between suppliers and buyers of flower bulbs, tubers and perennials. “With over 90 years of experience, about 1,500 members and an annual turnover of approximately 254 million euros, we are not only a leader in the Netherlands, but we are also regarded as the largest cooperative flower bulb intermediary worldwide – a position of which we are genuinely proud.''  The combination of images and text clearly conveys the message on the Hexagon pen holders. A, literally, eye-catching vacancy for those who have always wanted to work in the flower bulb sector.

 Hexagon pen holders a unique direct mail!

The Hexagon pen holders is a new version of the Out of the Box. And this format also creates a surprise effect when the envelope is opened. The Hexagon pen holders consist of fourteen surfaces, one of which offers space for the pens. The other surfaces offer enough space to communicate your message. In addition to your message, you can also add an agenda to the Hexagon pen holder; this makes the Hexagoon pen holders multifunctional and certainly worthy of a place on any desk. In addition to the surprise effect, this direct mail has another advantage: when the Hexagon pen holder is placed on the desk, your company's message remains visible for longer! This can extend the effect of the direct mailing.

Curious about our unique direct mail?

Are you planning an important event soon and would you like to spread this information in an original way? Then the Hexagon pen holders might be something for you. Have you become curious about the possibilities of this direct mail and what LocoMail can do for you? Then visit the site or contact one of our employees. They are happy to think along with you to set up a successful mailing. Go to page direct mail Pop Up cube