Effective direct mail is mail that you know the recipient will open, read, and respond to. For example, an invitation to a conference, where 80% reads the invitation and 75% registers.

Direct mail can also be part of a campaign. Direct mail is then an indispensable addition to media efforts on radio, television, an action site and bannering. This was also evident from a campaign by the FNV.

FNV Marketing

While FNV thought beforehand that radio/TV would be very effective, the direct result was somewhat disappointing. Direct Mail, on the other hand, turned out to be a very suitable means of attracting visitors to the website. 20,000 Direct Mails generated as many site visitors as 160 radio or TV broadcasts.

The step to an action page on the internet was apparently made faster with a tangible reminder (such as a physical Direct Mail) than via a somewhat more fleeting medium such as radio and television.

Direct mailing is therefore not only effective, it is also cheaper than a radio or TV commercial. A radio spot can easily cost 45,000 euros, a TV spot at least 60,000 euros. And that while everyone zaps away! Direct mailing reaches people and looks striking, so people will open and study the package more quickly.

Research Direct Mailing

In 2007, the University of Twente wrote a master's essay on the subject of Direct Mailing with the following main conclusion:

A direct mailing is a marketing communication tool in which the customer is approached in a personal way. A direct mailing is a personally addressed mail item containing an advertising message, where it appears that the customer is known to the sender.

It is important that direct mailings are used as effectively as possible. How a mailing is designed and how many mailings are sent determine whether a mailing is successful.

Examples Direct Mailing:

Direct mail bottle mail for the announcement of a ship's christening.

Direct mail as a flash as invitation to a trade show.