Case Direct Mailing TeleCard Mens+

Mens+ is an organization that deals with matters in the field of Personnel and Organization (P&O) day in and day out. They have our original TeleCard used as a means of communication to present their company. The Telescoop map shows their services and vision in a unique way.

A striking Telescope card

The Telescoop card is a unique direct mail on which you can provide a lot of information. Four double-sided printed pages are available on which you can express your message and/or images. The concept is designed with a 'ladder system'. When the side is pulled, the customer gets more and more new information at his disposal. The telescope card is retracted 9 by 21 cm and if you extend it completely, the direct is no less than 65 cm long. You can use the Telescoop card for numerous marketing and communication purposes

Interested in the Telescope map?

Do you have something big to announce soon and does this self-mailer fit your concept? Request a free sample of this self-mailer now and experience this eye-catching direct mail yourself. Curious about the possibilities? Then please contact one of our employees. Perhaps we can create a successful direct mail for your company again this time.

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