Do you want to communicate important news to customers through a direct mail? Then the Sliding card with window is very suitable for this. Creating and using a Slider Card is an original way of conveying important information. This can be information about a new product that you are going to bring to the market, but also information about you as a company. Curious about what the sliding card with window direct mailing is exactly and how it can be used? Then read on!

Pradaxa has used the Sliding Card to inform its customers about a certain topic, namely: strokes in patients. The interpretation is entirely up to you. The special thing about this Sliding Map is that it seems simple at first, but then expands by pulling the right panel. The window is also a unique addition to this Sliding Map. By pulling the panel on the right, new information will always be visible in the window. This way you can store a lot of information, such as a step-by-step plan or order of the way of working. The Sliding Card can be printed in full colour. This makes this direct mailing a lot more personal. This way you can use your own house style.
Unique aspect
The Sliding Card arouses curiosity in the recipient. By using the window you can show more information and this gives a unique aspect to the direct mailing. You can put information not only on the sliding panel behind the window, but also on the front and back of the Slide Card. The advantage of this direct mailing is that when you pull the panel, new information becomes visible behind the window, but the old information also remains visible.

You can have the Sliding Card made in any desired format and it can be sent in different ways. You can send it without an envelope, so as a self-mailer. If you prefer an envelope or sealing for protection, we can also provide that. By means of Contact contact us so we can look at the possibilities together. Curious? Then ask for one without obligation quotation or sample box On!