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Direct mail examples mini T-shirt

The mini T-shirt is a fun product to use as a striking direct mailing. This striking direct mail can be expanded with numerous options: double-sided printing shirt, matching label, an insert card or possibly a full color printed box. It's all possible with the mini T-shirt.

On this page you will find successful direct mail examples of companies that have used the mini T-shirt in a unique way.

Mini T-shirt used for promotion with DM
Case Cases Last added Mini T-shirt

Mini T-shirt used for promotion with DM

Direct mail is a perfect way to promote your product. Direct mail addresses a pre-selected...
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Mini T-shirt as an invitation to a cycling race
Last added Mini T-shirt

Mini T-shirt as an invitation to a cycling race

In addition to the Tour de France, the 43rd Tour of North Holland will take place on April 18, 2015. Part of this cycling race...
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Mini T-shirt Uncategorized

Promotion around the Tour de France: Printed Mini T-shirt

Everyone who has visited the Tour de France knows it: You get free stuff from a lot of companies. Unfortunately...
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