Direct mail appears to be more popular than e-mail marketing, according to research into direct marketing by the British research agency Fast.Map. The survey surveyed 1,140 UK consumers and 353 marketers. The survey also showed that consumers prefer to receive offers by post (33%) rather than via social media or SMS (only 3%).

Direct mail

Marketers thought that only 26% of consumers open direct mail from unknown companies, but that turned out to be a whopping 34%. Targeted direct mail of well-known companies is even opened by 80%. When people see their name on the address sticker, they will almost always open and read the mail.

Open mail

It is also striking that 44% opens the post with the reason "I became interested by the product." Another 31% opens the mail, because of the packaging. The respondents indicated that they pay attention to design, the envelope, color and whether something looks 'funny' or 'fun'. Striking direct mailing therefore ensures that people open your mail and pay extra attention to it.

In the survey, respondents were also asked what type of company or topic they prefer to receive direct mail from. Surprisingly enough, the Banks are number 1. Even after the crisis, people seem to value and trust mail from their regular bank. At number 2 are local restaurants and take aways. Numbers 3 to 5 are shared by charities, education and training and holidays.

Dutch research direct mailing

Dutch research has also often shown that at least 80% of people open mail that is on the doormat. Most people in the Netherlands have a NO sticker against unaddressed printed matter. The mail that does come through the letterbox is therefore opened more quickly. So a tip for marketers: Don't forget your direct mailings!

Want to know more about direct mailing products? Go to the Direct Mail Locomotive site.