Case Direct Mailing Turning Card Folding Card Van Beek

Van Beek has used an original direct mail brochure to convey information about their company. This company has used the folding card for their information. This original direct mail fits well with the message that van Beek wants to convey. Van Beek's message applies to the company's activities, characteristics and USPs. The slogan they use is 'Keep going with Van Beek', which is of course applicable to a company that develops screw conveyors. Because the Turning Card continues to fold, this original direct mail brochure fits perfectly with the message and the company.

Turning Card can be used as an original direct mail brochure

The Turning Card can be used in various ways; both visually and textually. For example, Van Beek does not use much text, but because Van Beek has spread her information over the 4 possible sides of the Turning Card, the text is clear and easy to read. In this way, the information reaches the customers better. The information comes in in an original way and sticks better. Why? The Turning Card is an original direct mail that stands out as a business brochure for customers. We offer the folding card for different purposes. The Turning Card can also be used as a business card, invitation, brochure or flyer. It is available in different sizes, from A7 (business card) size to 20×20 cm. Check out our website for direct mail options Turning Card.

Other possible ways for your direct mail

Do you think that the folding card does not suit your message or are you looking for a suitable direct mail message for your business event invitation? LocoMail offers you plenty of options for suitable expressions. Have a look at the overview original direct mail possibilities. Is your direct mail expression not listed or are you unable to find a solution? Ask one of our employees for more information. They may also send you a quote.