Case Direct Mailing Out of the Box Pop Up Huisje Alders Makelaar

Selling houses, that is what real estate agents do. But sending or receiving houses is something new! The Pop up House sent to people who are involved in Alders Real Estate. Alders Real Estate was nominated for the Best Real Estate Agent of the North of the Netherlands, for this purpose, they used the Pop up House as marketing mailing. Their strength and sale success involves the use of online marketing. A great example of this is this direct mailer. When the Pop up House was returned to Alders Real Estate, the receiver would get a free social media box. The marketing mailing example of the Pop up House suits the Real Estate concept perfectly. This marketing example has been used before by other companies but is styled in a different way that fits Alders Real Estate very well.


Pop up House as marketing mailing

The marketing mailing as an advertisement is solid as a rock. The Pop-up House has six surfaces and each surface can be used for advertisement communication. Because the six surfaces can be used for any purpose and designed the way that fits your company, the Pop up House is suitable for companies in every sector. While in this example, the Pop up House was used for a real estate company, this mailing is also perfect as an event invitation or company moving announcement. The Pop up House sends in a special envelope which allows the Pop up House to literally jump out of the envelope.

Would you like to send a Pop up House?

Get the attention of your target group, connections, colleagues or possible clients by sending a striking marketing mailing. Besides the Pop up House (that is available in two different sizes), we offer lots of different marketing mailing products as well. From other popup mailings, such as the Pop up Cube or Pop up Pyramid, to other creative direct mail products such as the Never Ending Card or Manual Dissolver. We cannot only offer you the direct mail product, we can also make a design, we offer personalisation by piece and can also organise the addressing and sending. Take a look at all of our direct mailing products and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We are happy to help!